The Aviators Top iTunes Hit Show

We Produce Hits – Across the Country & Around the World

Our signature show, The Aviators, boasts 10 million viewers weekly across the US and more than 50 million in over 100 countries. The Aviators is an award-winning, worldwide television phenomenon… and we’re just getting started!

Your Brand Integrated into Actual Program Content

FourPoints has partnered with some of the country’s most well-known companies to expertly integrate their brands directly into the content of television programs in a subtle, non-invasive and very effective manner. Creative segment planning and filming combined with masterful writing and editing yield content viewers find entertaining, informative and relevant. At the same time, friendly brands are discretely presented suggesting product endorsement, enhancing brand recognition, and encouraging customer loyalty.

FourPoints is an industry leader with the proven power and ability to directly and persuasively integrate your brand within content feverishly desired by a captive, targeted and dedicated audience of millions and seen countless times. At long last the time has come for you to use television for more than just commercials.


Let us work with you to develop the most effective way to convey your company’s message to millions of viewers worldwide